Sunday, June 3, 2007

cheap car insurance line

Lawmakers Say Proposed Change in Auto Insurance Necessary

Mar. 19--Lawmakers are considering a change to Colorado's auto insurance system that critics say could cost consumers money but proponents are hailing as necessary aid to medical providers. Senate Bill 193 would require all motorists to have coverage of $25,000 in health benefits and $25,000 in rehabilitation. Proponents say the bill, sponsored by Sen. Lois Tochtrop, D-Thornton, is necessary because trauma and other medical providers are losing money under the state's three-year-old tort insurance system. The state's old personal injury protection insurance covered drivers who were hurt in an accident, regardless of whose fault it was. Each insurance company took care of its own client's costs.

But since that coverage became optional in 2003, drivers who don't have it have suffered huge bills.

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